I'm preparing my first project in newgrounds, an animation in the style of madness combat.
I can only work as much as I can from Friday to Sunday. I spend the rest of the week at school, I hope you understand



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ToxicWimbleton's News

Posted by ToxicWimbleton - December 14th, 2022

ToxicWimbleton and I'm here to tell you a few things.

First of all, as expected, I have to take subjects and I have good news and bad news for you.

Good news: now I am free of ods subjects that will be Language and chemical physics (there are 5 in total but now I have 3 left).

Bad news: this week is the last one and I have to study two topics that are not very difficult for geography but I have to study a very difficult topic for history (it's not so much a topic and I don't want this topic but I don't feel like going into details) and technology Just present the folder, so that's not so important, they don't know how afraid I am because of history, because if I don't do it on Thursday, that's it, February and I don't want that, but let's hope everything goes well.

But it's not all bad people of course not, MADNESS:The Origin Of Toxic, Chapter 2: Infiltration is going at a good pace and I haven't been deleting my progress all the time (maybe a couple of times but well it wasn't that much) the chapter I will do it as good as possible and with more fighting, which was something I missed in chapter 1.

I don't have much more to say but I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.

Goodbye for now and I'll see you again soon

Posted by ToxicWimbleton - November 26th, 2022

Hello everyone, I'm ToxicWimbleton and today I decided to come back to tell you a thing or two.

To begin I tell you that chapter 2 is now called "infiltration" instead of "training" and I've been working on it for a while to bring it as soon as possible, the second thing would be that I put the chapter on "the kidnapping" in private (to put it in a way) since I finally uploaded the remake it is no longer necessary to keep the first version in mind so I will only leave the remaster of chapter 1 present.

And now the great news: THE OTHER WEEK I FINISHED THE CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (okay). But seriously speaking, the other week I got rid of normal classes BUT I still have to take subjects that don't worry, there aren't many (there are barely 3, that is, it's not that bad) therefore when I finish the classes 100% to me, I will now put 100% of myself in chapter 2 (note, I am and will continue working on chapter 2 anyway but I am only trying to say that I will work only and exclusively on this and nothing else).

I have nothing left to say except that I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.

Goodbye for now and see you again soon



Posted by ToxicWimbleton - November 13th, 2022

Hello everyone, I am ToxicWimbleton and I just wanted to leave this blog open to ask you and you answer me (if you can now since curiosity is killing me) about chapter 1:

Was it worth the wait?

let them down?

Didn't you like the characters?

what went wrong?

get worse as an animator?

and if you want tell me what you like or something nice if you want of course.

I also take this opportunity to tell you that as of yesterday chapter 2 has already started production and this time I will try even harder (that's why I want you to answer the questions above so as not to make the same mistakes again) so chapter 2 arrives in an epic way and with a lot of MADENSS.

I have nothing left to say but I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.

Goodbye for now and see you again soon



Posted by ToxicWimbleton - November 11th, 2022

Hello everyone, I am ToxicWimbleton and I finally brought you the remake of chapter 1 and with music and better animation than before and yes I know many must be angry with me (even I am) because I said it was for Wednesday but the scene and music complicated my task and even so the final scene is not as cool as I thought but well now what matters is to bring you the video at least with a standard quality, THANK YOU VERY MUCH to those named in the video (ShootdaChesse, Col-On and Djjaner) and all of you for supporting me and patiently waiting for my videos and I just hope you like it and please go watch it.

I have nothing left to say but I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.

Goodbye for now and see you again soon


Posted by ToxicWimbleton - November 7th, 2022

Hello Everyone, I am ToxicWimbleton and I come with some bad news about chapter one, because of the school I will have to make you wait for the start again, but let's start at the beginning.

On Sunday it was impossible for me since I had to do the final scene from 0 (yes, for those who don't know, usually every time I finish a scene I start to work a little with the next one to move forward but the final scene doesn't I did) so I was too late, today I had to continue working but I didn't arrive either and since the school takes up too much time, it doesn't allow me to work properly for the project.

Chances are you will have to work most of the night today and most of the day tomorrow for at least Wednesday.

You have no idea how embarrassed I feel for telling you this and how sad I am for this LAST delay, even if it is ladies and gentlemen, from now on I tell you that no more delays for this chapter 1 and no less for chapter 2, you are free to insult me ​​about my uselessness to work.

I have nothing left to say other than now if MADNESS: The Origin Of Toxic comes out again yes or yes this Wednesday (most likely I have something to reproach myself with but we'll talk about it later) I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.

GoodBye for now and see you again soon.

Posted by ToxicWimbleton - November 5th, 2022

Hello everyone, I am Toxicwimbleton and finally I am very happy.

Before the big news I'll tell you a little about how I was during the time (I wasn't that good).

First of all, I will finally be free of school in a very short time (I have to take classes but I will do my best not to take them) so I will have more time for you and my work.

second, it is most likely that after finally uploading chapter 1 officially I will take a break and think clearly about what chapter 2 will be like.

Now if the news MADNESS:The Origin Of Toxic:Chapter One comes out tomorrow or Monday ladies and gentlemen finally after a lot of hard work and detail that I put into this chapter I will be able to get it out on Monday or tomorrow if I'm not too late.

With this I just hope you like it and enjoy it I know it took me a long time but the amount of patience, love and detail that I put into it is GIANT.

I have nothing left to say except that I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or evening.

Goodbye for now and see you soon



Posted by ToxicWimbleton - October 31st, 2022

Halloween video only now I'm not sure what to do, maybe I'll think of something tomorrow.

I can't talk much right now but I don't have much more to say other than I wish you a wonderful Halloween.

Bye for now and see you again soon


Posted by ToxicWimbleton - September 22nd, 2022

Hello everyone, I am ToxicWimbleton and today September 22 my first madness day I just disappointed you and myself.

Let's start with parts first I didn't have chapter 1 ready and I've been delaying my project for a long time.

Second, I didn't tell them but I have an old computer (a windows 7 with a square and old screen but it was more than usable and I'm talking about the screen) and they gave me a "better" screen than the previous one (just as old and square but in theory "better") but the screen does not let me publish or configure my account in newgrounds, that is, I can only see their notifications of comments and little else (I can see posts, videos, games in an acceptable way) but I can't post anything, I was trying to post a video and from my pc I can't, from my cell less than less and I just used a brother's labtop and I could but due to certain problems (and by certain problems I mean that by idiot I ruined it Everything as always and I couldn't.

Now I just have to try to try again tomorrow and see if I'm successful but I think I'll try to get a new screen (and this time if it's good) and publish that coveted chapter 1 that I promised you so much (if we think about it, I'm so useless that I can't upload a measly chapter 1 at this point I think it would be better if I never approach the madness world again so they forget me).

There is nothing more to say but have a beautiful madness day.

Goodbye for now and see you again soon


an art of a character that you will see in chapter 1 (it will be a different design but it is understood) I wanted to publish them for today but well, you already know the story


Posted by ToxicWimbleton - September 20th, 2022

Hello everyone, I'm ToxicWimbleton and I came to tell you everything I've been up to.

To start my project I was advancing slowly but surely and also sadly I will not be able to upload it because the time I have and how I want to do it is not compatible or I do it well but late for you or I upload it without music, with the same mistakes and other things, I will try upload it at least this week, most likely I'll upload a short video (like a typical shooting test video or something like that) just to participate in my first Madness day (since I never celebrate a Madness day and I'm very excited for this.

I have nothing left to say but I hope you have a nice Madness day, afternoon or evening.

Bye for now and see you again soon



Posted by ToxicWimbleton - August 28th, 2022

Hello everyone, I'm ToxicWimbleton and I'm back to tell you about a couple of interesting things.

first of all chapter 1: thanks to the inspiration of madness combat fan animations I have started to work hard and changing one thing or another but I also tell you that I am doing something great but it will be better than the first thing I uploaded.

The second thing I wanted to say is about madness day: I was never present at a madness day (at least in newgrounds) and I had the plan to upload the "remaster" of chapter 1 on madness day to celebrate the aforementioned day but I think it would be better to upload it as soon as I have it done but I will try to improve it as much as possible and most likely if I am late it will be uploaded on the day of the madness event but we'll see what happens.

There is nothing left to say other than have a nice day, afternoon or night.

Goodbye for now and see you again soon
