Hello Everyone, I am ToxicWimbleton and I come with some bad news about chapter one, because of the school I will have to make you wait for the start again, but let's start at the beginning.
On Sunday it was impossible for me since I had to do the final scene from 0 (yes, for those who don't know, usually every time I finish a scene I start to work a little with the next one to move forward but the final scene doesn't I did) so I was too late, today I had to continue working but I didn't arrive either and since the school takes up too much time, it doesn't allow me to work properly for the project.
Chances are you will have to work most of the night today and most of the day tomorrow for at least Wednesday.
You have no idea how embarrassed I feel for telling you this and how sad I am for this LAST delay, even if it is ladies and gentlemen, from now on I tell you that no more delays for this chapter 1 and no less for chapter 2, you are free to insult me about my uselessness to work.
I have nothing left to say other than now if MADNESS: The Origin Of Toxic comes out again yes or yes this Wednesday (most likely I have something to reproach myself with but we'll talk about it later) I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night.
GoodBye for now and see you again soon.
Even so, I thank you very much for having stayed for a long time, you are the most important thing for me since thanks to you for wanting to continue with this project, really THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the silent support you give me