Hello everyone, I am Toxicwimbleton and finally I am very happy.
Before the big news I'll tell you a little about how I was during the time (I wasn't that good).
First of all, I will finally be free of school in a very short time (I have to take classes but I will do my best not to take them) so I will have more time for you and my work.
second, it is most likely that after finally uploading chapter 1 officially I will take a break and think clearly about what chapter 2 will be like.
Now if the news MADNESS:The Origin Of Toxic:Chapter One comes out tomorrow or Monday ladies and gentlemen finally after a lot of hard work and detail that I put into this chapter I will be able to get it out on Monday or tomorrow if I'm not too late.
With this I just hope you like it and enjoy it I know it took me a long time but the amount of patience, love and detail that I put into it is GIANT.
I have nothing left to say except that I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or evening.
Goodbye for now and see you soon