Hi everyone, I'm ToxicWimbleton and I've come to tell you that I just uploaded a new video, it's a bit ugly but in the video description I better explain why I did it like that. Leaving that aside, I wanted to apologize that at Christmas I wrote to them in a somewhat cold way (I mean, I only wrote peron without saying thank you in a cynical way) but that day I had to go out to my family's house and I hardly had time to write to them so much that I appreciate them to you who are the reason why I continue working despite everything. I hope this beautiful family continues to grow in the future, I am not saying neither be famous nor just gain followers but rather upload videos and more people who are fans of MADNESS join to us to watch videos, make friends and maybe (JUST EYE MAYBE) one day create my games and that you enjoy them, but only for now I will focus on animation which is what I like but if I can bring you a pretty fun game no I will hesitate to do it.
I have nothing left to say other than I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or night and a great new year (I know I'm getting ahead of myself with that but just as a precaution and I think you already know what I mean)
Goodbye for now and see you again soon